You are at Spark Innovation, the sister company of the best tech agency in the town Spark Tech. We are a team of passionate tech aficionados who are working in transcending technologies to solve contextual problems.

Of the very few companies in Nepal who have embraced IoT as a core mission, we make the best use of the internet, connectivity, and machinery to innovate digital ideas to make your chores easier and provide robust solutions for some of the most hassling contextual problems you have to deal with.

You will find in our innovations an amalgam of ardent brainy nerds and mindful creative outbursts. Our company is motivated by our social responsibilities and we leave no stone unturned to provide the most efficient and reliable products to our users.

Social Impact

Spark Innovation believes in adopting state of the art technology to develop devices that not just convey technological superpower but are actually mindful enough to tackle the existing problems the Nepali society has to face while also paving the road to keep pace with the globalized world.

Two of our major solutions include fleet management solution and automated solar panel cleaner. With the fleet management solution we are trying to ensure safer roads and more ethical driving. The School Bus App is developed to secure children’s safety and strengthen parents trust in all better manners.

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Are you looking forward to working with us? We would be equally glad to partner with you and experience a productive collaboration. For business enquires and details, please get in touch with us here.