Machinery Design and Fabrication

Machinery Design and Fabrication

We transform your idea on paper to a device, demonstrating our best. Spark innovation creates and assembles for you, exceptionally particular custom prototypes as per the need. Our team of creative designers and highly experienced engineers build and deliver you your authentic machines only after completely testing them. For a credible partnership in prototyping and executing ideas to sustainable reality for a reasonable price, Spark Innovation and its team of the electro-mechanical experts are definitely going to be the best option for you.

Have your machinery ideas executed by electromechanical experts.

Completely tested machinery production at a fairly reasonable cost.

Use Cases

Manufacturing Industries

Industries require the latest machinery to keep up with the competition and the manufacturing demands. Foreign latest technology machinery is expensive and hard to import. Industries in Nepal cannot afford to import such specialized machines and have to use standardized ones instead of special ones or resort to manual labour. At Spark Technologies our electromechanical engineers will make specialized machines according to the company’s needs at a cheaper price eliminating the human factor without losing any quality or efficiency to the imported ones.

  • Optimized machines according to the custom specification can be developed.
  • The specialized machines will be optimal for production and prove best for production.
  • The custom machines will eliminate the factor of human error.
  • Reduce the implementation cost of expensive imported machines.